Current Offerings
trainings and workshops
Birthworkers of Color Doula Trainings
Stevie hosts a Doula of Color Training with the Birthworkers of Color Collective. There are multiple trainings a year and are open to new and experienced birthworkers.
“This is an intentional space for People of Color who are called to do this sacred work, limited spots available. There will be knowledge shares from POC midwives, doulas, herbalists, healers, abortion companions, etc. We will discuss birthwork as activism, trauma informed care, birth disparities, how to support pregnant people through all pregnancy outcomes, inclusive language, and so much more.”
​You can sign up for a training and learn more by heading to the Birthworkers of Color instagram and website.

Birthworkers of Color Doula Training
Medi-Cal PAVE Portal Training
Join Birthworkers of Color Collective & Stevie Merino on Wednesday, April 26th from 5:30 pm to 7pm for a virtual Medi-Cal PAVE portal training for California Doulas.
We will talk about the requirements, the application process, and try to answer any questions you might have. We will not be doing your PAVE applications for you.
Note: We are unaffiliated with Medi-Cal or DCHS. We have been offering support to our collective members in this process & have a few that are already registered & taking on clients! Folks (our members & other CA doulas) have reached out expressing that they are confused, frustrated, & overwhelmed by the doula Medi-Cal roll out & how to register to become a doula provider who can be reimbursed by Medi-Cal so we thought we’d extend this support/offering!
Suggested Donation: $5-$25
Birthwork and Business
This is a pre-recorded, three week webinar series that Stevie has created to help birthworkers that are currently building and/or struggling with the business aspects of birthwork. The series offers support with how to operate a sustainable birthwork business, as well as guidance/brushing up on business basics.
This is offered as 3 week webinar series and will touch on Birthwork as a sustainable business, working & offerings, doing this work in a good & authentic way, building your clientele, doula business basics, self & collective care, & more. You will have access to me for mentorship, to ask questions, & for support.
You can learn how to access offerings like this and much more by following Stevie on instagram or reaching out via email!

Lactation Education
Stevie previously was an instructor for BreastfeedLA and has a passion for lactation education and helping BIPOC parents successfully body and bottle feed their babies. She has hosted many workshops and trainings surrounding this topic. Including:
Offering Lactation Support--a webinar for Birthworkers, where she covers lactation basics, how to support in person & virtually, troubleshooting, inclusive lactation support, and much more.
Breastfeeding in the Pacific Islander Community is a webinar she created and hosted addressing the unique needs of individuals bodyfeeding in the Pacific Islander community, with special consideration for their traditions and cultural practices.
Prenatal Lactation Education is a class series Stevie has offered to expecting parents that covers lactation basics, answers common questions and concerns, and connects participants with resources to support their lactation journey.
You can be the first to learn about new offerings surrounding lactation by following Stevie on IG.

STIs: Fertility, Pregnancy, and Parenting
Even in the reproductive justice movement & birthworld—STIs still have some taboo, secrecy, or just aren’t talked about enough for how common & how much they can impact our reproductive health!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
* There are 20 million new STI cases in the U.S. every year
* Adding the new cases each year with existing infection, there are an estimated 110 million total STIs among people in the U.S.
* If left undetected and untreated, some STIs can put at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease, a condition that can lead to infertility.
* Some STIs if left undiagnosed and untreated can put at risk for miscarriage, issues with fetus during pregnancy, and with baby during birth.
Notice these increased risks are connected to a lack of testing, detection, & (timely & adequate) treatment. Increasing education & transparent dialogue can play an important role in hopefully reducing the unnecessary reproductive impacts folks are having as a result! When detected and treated STIs DO NOT have to impact fertility, pregnancy, or parenting. There is so much shame, stigma, & conflicting information about STIs especially during pregnancy/parenting that is based in judgement rather than support & care. As birthworkers it’s extremely important we reflect on our own feelings/judgements around STIs & check how we may project/create meanings, or value judgments of our clients, others, & even ourselves!
Let’s talk about all things STIs: fertility, pregnancy, and parenting! This is a 3 hour, live workshop