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Press and Media Features

Stevie has been featured in a number of publications, interviews, and media outlets. Feel free to explore the publications below and learn more about Stevie and her dynamic interests!

Want to feature Stevie in your publication?

Sol & Roots Features

Long Beach Business



Awareness, affordability remain challenges for
parents of Color to access doulas.

“Hospitals and medical professionals need to do real community work to improve their relationships and their legacies in certain communities,” Merino said. “That’s criminal that someone can be more at risk because of racism.”


LAist: How to advocate for yourself during pregnancy


"what often happens is that we have birth trauma, because things happen to us rather than with us, right, especially in hospitals. And so having this…plan B to the plan A of what you envision, or at least talking through them, can be really empowering and really helpful.”


Stevie via LAist


LAist: What Do Doulas Do -- And How Can I Find One In LA?

"Long Beach doula Stevie Merino emphasizes she wants to provide non-judgmental support to clients. 'I'm not going to project what I want for you, onto you,' she said."

Smiling Pregnant Woman

The Atlantic: COVID-19 Is Upending Parents’ Birth Plans

“While some hospitals in her hometown of Los Angeles had preexisting rules that restricted the number of delivery-room visitors to just two, [Stevie] said, ‘if they get restricted to one, that will definitely cause a lot of people to reconsider having doulas.’” 


UCLA Health x Midwifery Townhall

In 2020, Stevie co-organized a Community Townhall and email campaign to call for accountability, transparency, and acknowledgement of the trauma and impact that UCLA-Health’s actions have had on the midwives, patients, and community at large. Watch the Townhall meeting below, and learn why Stevie’s work as an activist and community organizer is radical and necessary.

Celebrating World Doula Week

Here's a snippet from the Pacific Islander Health Board of Washington during World Doula Week 2021. Stevie says, “Happy world doula work to all the doulas I get to be in community with (near/far, virtual/in person), to BIPOC doulas, to my Pacific Islander doulas, to all the doulas who don’t have access to their lineage stories/traditions/elders because of slavery/genocide /imperialism/colonialism/ militarization, etc, to all the doulas who are doing the real work—I see you & I honor you.”

Birth Equity During Covid-19

In May 2020, Stevie Merino joined Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH for a conversation focused on Birth Equity during COVID-19. The ability of birthing people to access quality reproductive and maternal health services during the COVID-19 crisis is important. This is especially important for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who disproportionately experience a lack of quality care in the best of times.

Providence Health Equity Webcast: Centering Native Hawaiians and the Pacific Islander Community

The webinar takes a closer look at the health disparities experienced by Pacific Islander communities, especially during a pandemic. The discussion includes highlighting the many different and distinct cultures found in the Pacific as well as how these groups are represented, politically and socially. In this webinar, Stevie discusses the identity and history of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NH/PI) communities. She also explores the nuance of language and customs that are present in these communities. Citing census data, she explains the relationship between the US and NH/PI access to healthcare within the US.

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Podcasts & Audio

Maternal Health Innovation Podcast

The Fight for lactation rights

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum


Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Blood, Sweat and Breastmilk Podcast

Ep 5: The Magical Placenta
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“The placenta is magical...It's one of the only organs that is created for a function and once the function is over it dispels itself from the’s beautiful, it’s amazing, it’s created to sustain life.”

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Via email

Any and all questions, inquiries, and requests can be directed to the emails below. 


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